Although hoovering regularly can keep your carpets looking clean on the surface, only a deep clean can truly remove everything trapped deep down inside the fibres. This includes things like dust mites, pollutants, dead skin and other allergy causing compounds that build up over time. For this reason, we recommend having your carpet deep cleaned at least once a year by a professional company like Cleanse Cleaning Specialists.

Why get your carpet deep cleaned

Let’s be honest, having our carpets deep cleaned may not be at the top of our to-do lists! It is however worth pencilling into your calendar for a number of reasons:

Deep cleaning extends the lifespan of your carpet

Although a carpet may look clean after hoovering there is likely dirt, dust and grime deep down within the carpet fibres. It’s this dirt that can damage your carpet fibres and wear away at stain resistance over time, so it needs to be removed on a regular basis.

It improves the look of your carpets

If you’ve ever had a carpet professionally cleaned then you’ll know about the ‘wow’ moment when you see the results (or the moment of horror when you see the dirt that has been removed!). Even if it doesn’t have obvious stains, a carpet can become dulled and matted by the trapped dirt and grime buried deep in the fibres, but a deep clean will remove this and return your carpet to its original health.

The carpet can feel softer

A carpet with fibres which have become matted can feel rough and flat underfoot. A deep clean will remove this grime and leave the carpet feeling fuller, fluffier and softer.

Deep cleaning may help with allergies

If you suffer with allergies to things like dust or pollen, a carpet deep clean may help to relieve symptoms. These allergens are often trodden into the home, or in the case of dust mites, thrive in environments like carpets and fabrics. They can then be kicked up as you walk on the carpet, which is why you may experience allergy symptoms long after allergy season has passed. A deep clean will remove the allergens which are trapped deep inside carpet fibres and help towards reducing your symptoms.

What you can do between cleans

You may have seen online hacks and tips for keeping a carpet spotless, however there really is no comparison to a professional deep clean. Our advice is to follow aa couple of basic strategies (which many of us already utilise) and let the specialists deal with the rest:

Hoover regularly

Hoovering at least once per week will help to keep your carpets clear between deep cleans. If you have pets, children or allergies you may want to considering hoovering more frequently. You can also hoover certain high traffic or mess areas such as walkways, around pet bowls and of course under high chairs on a more regular basis.

Spot clean spills and stains quickly

If you spill something on your carpet, try to blot and apply a stain remover as soon as possible. This prevents the offending liquid from seeping deeper into the carpet. It’s also a good idea to carry out a patch test with a new stain removal product in a discreet area of carpet to ensure it works well with your carpet.

Speak to the carpet deep clean specialists

Contact our team today to arrange a free, no obligation consultation. Once you’re happy with our quote, we can arrange a date and time at your convenience to deep clean your carpets.